Pseudo War or Terror

Since World War II, 90% of the casualties of war are unarmed citizens, a third of them children. America's victims have done nothing to us. From Palestine to Afghanistan to Iraq to Somalia, to wherever our next target may be. Their murders are not collateral damage, they are the nature of modern warfare. They don't hate us because of our freedoms, they hate America because every day we are funding and committing crimes against humanity.

The so-called War on Terror is a cover for our military aggression to gain control of the resources of western Asia. We're sending the poor of our country to kill the poor of Muslim countries. We're trading blood for oil and this is genocide. To most of the world, we are the terrorist.

Our military is not defending our freedoms, they are laying the foundations for 14 permanent military bases to defend the freedoms of Exxon Mobil and British Petroleum. They are not establishing democracy, they are establishing the bases for an economic occupation to continue after the military occupation has ended. Iraqi society today, thanks to American "help" is defined by house rapes, death squads, check points, detentions, curfews, blood in the streets, and constant violence. We must dare to speak out in support of the Iraqi people, who resist and endure the horrific existence we brought upon them through our blood-thirsty imperial crusade.

When the Industrial Era begin it broke the connection between kinship and trust and it started treating people as commodities. Then we lost sight of our government and we allowed corporations to buy the government. The U.S.A. no longer represents "We the People," but you can change that. 

The Military Industrial Complex profits from secrecy and war, it does not profit from efficiency and peace. The bottom line is that Central Banking is an evil cancer. These people are selling us credit they don't have so they can take profits they don't deserve, out of our pockets. The United States government is constitutionally charted to print money on the good faith and credit of all of us and not pay interest. If you fight the bankers you get assassinated. Lincoln and Kennedy were both about to print money, and not borrow from the banks.
