Our Universal Relationship

"Relation with God" .. "Punishing God" .. "Vengeful and Jealous God," and "Are you Saved?"

Saved from what? Eternal damnation? "The fiery pit?" "The Lake of Fire?" All biblical stories created by man, and that is what most of you have based your spiritual thought patterns on, regardless of how RIDICULOUS it sounds.

What about beings from other planets? Certainly if there are 70 million million million (70 sextillion) stars in the universe that are surrounded by planets, just as our star, the Sun, is surrounded by 8 planets that make up our solar system, as vast as the universe is (bear in mind, the 70 sextillion stars only make up the 5% of the observable universe), you would be a fool to think that we are the only intelligent life form.

The ingredients in the universe that make up a star, star dust, the planets that surround a star, and a human being are: Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Carbon, and Nitrogen. Carbon is a naturally abundant nonmetallic element which forms the basis of most living organisms. It is the fourth most abundant element in the universe, and plays a crucial role in the health and stability of the planet through the carbon cycle (the same carbon atoms in your body today have been used in countless other molecules since time began). So not only do we exist in this universe, the universe itself exist in us. Astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson states, "just because we don't know how life is created certainly doesn't mean the universe has a problem creating life." Since carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe, you can bet your life on the fact that intelligent life is abundant throughout this infinite universe.

So what of their relationship with God? Did Jesus miraculously appear on other planets to die for their sins too? Or did he only come to planet earth? A planet that is less than a speck of dust when compared to just the Local Group of 30 Galaxies. The two largest spiral galaxies in the Local Group are the Milky Way and Andromeda (M31). There are billions of galaxies throughout the universe.

On a clear night, you can actually get a glimpse of the Andromeda Galaxy, if you have a telescope or powerful binoculars you would actually see the spiral of the galaxy. If you see it, you are looking 2,538,000 light years into space. A light year is not time, it is distance. One light year is equivalent to 6 trillion miles, so multiply 2,538,000 x 6,000,000,000,000 and that is how far you are looking into space. We can see them as tiny dots in space because they are so bright and so humongous in size. The Andromeda Galaxy or M31 has been estimated to be 220,000 light years across. Our Galaxy, The Milky Way, is about 100,000 light years across or 600 trillion miles across. This is what is known as the "observable universe" or the 5% that scientist, astronomers, and astrophysicist, have been able to study.

We are not alone in the universe. Therefore, when you look at the big picture, doesn't this make all the religious stories you've heard, and the bible itself, appear to be rather insignificant?
