God's Ability

We say that God is omnipresent, that God is everywhere, and that God is available to either answer our prayers or point us in the right direction. We say all of this primarily because it's what we've heard all our lives, and most of us have not investigated the issue of God or Divine Intelligence for ourselves. And I don't care how many times you've read the bible, for one, it's not the word of God, and two, the bible does not give a concise explanation of who or what God is. Most of us know this, Christian or not, but people are too scared, too well trained/conditioned, to speak on this because of the fear of "sinning against God," or, "taking the Lord's name in vain," or any of the other archaic, scriptural platitudes.

God is always depicted as more human than as a universal spirit. That's why you hear such nonsense as a "jealous God," "a vengeful God," "slow to anger," etc. etc. These are all human characteristics, and have nothing to do with the loving, divine presence in the universe, that we so ignorantly refer to as God.

Prayers are nothing more than affirmations that are released into the universe as positive energy. Energy flows where attention goes. What does this mean? Positive energy, leads to positive results because your energy flows in a positive direction, thereby giving you a positive outcome or result. Negative energy flows toward a negative outcome. We've all heard the maxim, "you get out of life what you put into it." The things that we affirm consistently, can have a powerful impact on our lives.

Ultimately, as we are all a part of Divine Intelligence, we answer our own prayers based on the words we speak (which have power), and how we live our lives. From my own personal experiences in life, I know this to be a fact. Here are a few examples:

Being awarded full custody of my then 3-year-old-daughter, and 4-year-old son, against all odds. Their mother was not "unfit", and she did fight for custody, and I had several lawyers telling me before hand, that I had no shot at winning custody. The main affirmation, started 2 years before my marriage ended was, "I WILL RAISE MY CHILDREN."

After my divorce and custody, me an my kids lived in an apartment and my credit was not so good. The main affirmation, "We will be homeowners in the very near future." Within one year of starting that affirmation, not only did I purchase a home, but I only paid $900 of the $10,000 down payment. My real estate agent did some (and these were his words to me from the very beginning) "creative financing." Most of the $10k down-payment were funds deposited into my bank account from a firm in Texas, 10 minutes before we closed on the house. It was not my money at all. The house has a full-finished basement, total square feet, 3600. I live in Atlanta, GA, those of you who are familiar with the ATL, know that there are very nice, affordable houses here.. all over the place... Stone Mountain, Marietta, Alpharetta, Conyers, Chamblee, Decatur, and so on, and so on...

I could go on and on about challenges I've faced and have been able to overcome via affirmations.. Click here for a list of affirmations that I've used for the past 20 years. They will definitely help you.

There is no Christian God (and I say Christian God because regardless of your religion, the biblical God comes from the Christian depiction of a Divine ruler, and is what the majority view as God) sitting atop the clouds watching everything we do. It's the energy you create that will ultimately determine your fate in this life and beyond.

Most of us, when our physical body meets its demise, your energy will gravitate toward your attention during your life and what you're focused on at death. This is why billions are caught up in this earthly matrix because your energy keeps pulling you back.

This all sounds or reads very weird, I'm sure, to most people. However, if you consider the fact that we are DEFINITELY not alone in the universe .. there are more stars (like our Sun is a star) in the universe than there are grains of sand on every beach or dessert in the world, and most of these stars have planets orbiting them (like our 8 planets that orbit our sun in our solar system - Milky Way Galaxy). I'm ready to leave this particular matrix, I feel my energy, as it flows where my attention goes, will take me to a more calmer, a more peaceful, a more loving planet.
