Why We Have Created God

No matter how intelligent humankind becomes we can never actually "create God" because we're all a part of God. Just as a cup dipped into the ocean has the same ingredients of the sea, but doesn't have the force or power as it would if it were a collective part, such is our relationship to a Divine Being.

The mass confusion, hysteria, hatred, greed, and corruption comes into play because we have created a God to fit our human nature. We have given this Loving Being of Light a gender: He; we have given this Compassionate Force emotions: a jealous God, vengeful God, slow to anger, plays favorites, chosen people, etc. Consequently, we've created "God in the image of Man." We have co-authored a book, called "the Word of God" by many, that justifies our anthropomorphizing of God.

The Creator is neither male nor female and would not be considered "human" as we would refer to a human being. God is the Source of all creation, and we are a part of that Source. Collectively, each and every one of us makes up the Source and collectively we are God.

God is an all-encompassing, Loving Being of Light, that is not a judgmental MAN or a spiteful WOMAN. This Compassionate Being is not our "leader," as the President of a country is the leader of a particular nation. This Intelligent Positive Energy would be more akin to the force that allows millions of Snow Geese to migrate thousands of miles annually; with no designated leader; they don't take a vote before they start their journey, they simply do it together, as a team; as one large force. You can imagine what would happen if Snow Geese did vote on a leader; if the ego were to take charge as it has in Man, they would have wars, jealousy, acrimony, and kill one another, just as humankind does.

A combined loving force is what makes up God. We get a taste of its power when we are kind to one another. There are very few examples in the history of mankind that can be used to illustrate my point because, for the most part, we've been so evil toward one another. The closest we have come to a combined or collective showing of love and respect for one another was in the days following the 9/11 calamity. If you went to the grocery store or any public facility where there were lots of people, you could feel the love, you could feel the connection we had with one another. This rather euphoric feeling only lasted a day or so, and it came in spurts, because as soon as an individual showed up who looked as if he or she may be of middle eastern descent, the hatred crept back into our psyche, immediately disconnecting us from the Source.

If you were paying attention, you got a miniscule glimpse of how positive and powerful we could be if we were able to consistently express love in our dealings with one another. This is why LOVE is such a powerful and positive force and why HATRED is such a destructive and negative force.
