I took a course, about 20 years ago, called, "The Psychological Issues in Black, Male/Female Relationships." The class was very interesting but most of the semester we argued back and forth and the instructor was more of a facilitator or referee. At the end of the day (end of the course) we really didn't learn very much because most of our debates were confrontational, as most debates regarding black, male/female relationships are today. Until we all get to a level where we are beyond scapegoating, beyond religious differences, beyond the inner conflict that exist between black folks, we will always disagree.
I have written quite a few articles about relationships. This does not make me an expert on the subject. However, through years of research, being in a few relationships, and the quiet reflection that comes with spending time alone, affords me the opportunity to shed some serious light on the issue of why we can't get along.
It never really matters whether the reader agrees or disagrees. What matters is, did he or she get the intended point of the article?
The point is always the same, and it's an old Indian proverb that states, "We're branches of the same tree, how foolish for those branches to fight amongst themselves." This is what we continue to do, not only within the black race, but throughout the human race.
I'm at the point now where I truly don't believe we will see much of a positive difference in our lifetime, maybe in our children's lifetime, but not in ours.
We are too far gone to turn it around now. Collectively, as a human race we are more inclined to move toward absurd, uneducated decisions based on greed and jealousy, rather than come together and support a logical decision based on mutual admiration, respect, research, study, and love.
We talk a good game, when we're sitting in church, when we're faced with adversity, but the norm is indifference, arrogance, and disdain for one another. To our misfortune and detriment, there is no immediate end in sight to our spiritual confusion and moral ignorance.
B. E. Shaw Sr.
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