Misconception abt Stripper Pole

An email conversation between myself and a female acquaintance, went something like this:

Barry: If she likes to hang with her girlfriends every so often, I would not have a problem with that, as long as she's faithful to me, she could even go to a male-strip-club if she wanted, with her friends, because that would only get her fired up, and when she gets home, I'd be waiting to "scratch that itch" for her.

Jeannie: I couldn't help but chuckle at your strip club comment. My ex would've never in a million years said yes! But then of course he had major insecurity issues. I wouldn't have a problem with the person I'm with hitting "hot spots" occasionally with friends either as long as respect is never forgotten. Shoot, I just might be motivated enough to buy my own stripper pole...lol!

Allow me to school women on the whole "stripper issue." And your comments are encouraged.

First of all, I don't go to strip clubs. I used to, years ago, but even then it was infrequent. I never made strip clubs a habit for two reasons: (1) strips clubs are very expensive, and (2) you really get nothing for the money you're spending except an erection. Unless you're paying major bucks to sit in the VIP section you can't lay a finger on the strippers. If you do, you are immediately kicked out of the club - it happened to a friend of mine and it was extremely hilarious because he's like, "let's go guys," and we're like, "you better go sit your ass in the car, we're not being escorted out - you are." Furthermore, if a woman has a man that likes to hang out at strip clubs she has an entirely different set of problems.

I understand it's different with the women strip clubs, I'm told women can touch the guys.

I wouldn't mind my woman going every now and then because I know that it wouldn't do anything but TURN HER OWN, and when she comes home I'm going to WAX that AZZ good! (sorry to be so blunt, just making a point).

Now, about the "stripper pole." There was an episode of "King of Queens" that said it all. If you're not familiar, or have never seen the sitcom or this particular episode, then you don't know what I'm talking about (view the clip in the video below this blog post). The bottom line, every woman doesn't do well with the stripper pole, and really, instead of turning your man on, it is really more of a turn-off. Most women don't quite comprehend a man's mentality behind the pole. I believe women have the false impression that because it has become rather popular, and there are stripper-pole-classes, that most men automatically like it. What the wife or girlfriend doesn't grasp is that when we see women on the stripper pole these women have bodies/figures like Angela Bassett; asses like J-Lo; look like fashion models, and are in the age range of 20-25. To top it off, these are women that we cannot have which only adds to the allure and lust of the situation. However, when we see our significant other on that stripper pole, and in many cases she has no idea what she's doing, it sheds a whole new light on the pole. And we can't really say what's on our mind at that particular time because it would come off as offensive, she gets mad, won't give you any, you're left high and dry, then you have to go out and buy flowers just to smooth the situation over.

We see you all the time! We see you when you're not looking your best (we still love you of course) and we see you when you're looking absolutely stunning. We walk in the bathroom right after you've come out (and vice versa). I'm saying all of this to say that the "stripper pole" is a bit overrated and not for every couple.

View Pole Dancing Episode of King of Queens - Part 1
View Pole Dancing Episode of King of Queens - Part 2
